23 October 2006
30 September 2006
18 August 2006
30 July 2006
UnikkatiL Album
Theres a new plan with another album wich should happen faster than the SHIHEMI NPERKUJTIME album, its gonna be called UniKKatiL presents The Bloody Alboz just to get the name out there and prepare them for the coming albums so they dont play dumb and act like they dont know who we are, thats the shit they have been trying to give us so far. But they are starting to smell the money believe me
04 July 2006
UnikKatil Mp3 TBA
Unikkatil feat AlboHolics- Kur i Ki Ment Tjeter Ka
UniKKatiL - Tu kacafyt me jet mp3 Download
UniKKatiL - Malli i Shqiptarit.mp3 Download
UniKKatiL - Ju ha per sgjalli (diss princ) mp3 Downloads
Era Corrupted ft. UniKKatiL - Loja eshte e jona.mp3 Downloads
UniKKatiL ft. Milot - Get us mp3 Downloads
UniKKatiL - Dallash qergash (diss T3 and R.Rr).mp3
UniKKatiL ft. CyaNide - Eci neper Terr mp3
UniKKatiL ft. Milot - Change.mp3 Dowloads
UniKKatiL ft. Jeton - Mos shaj mas shpine (remix) mp3 Downloads
UniKKatiL - Qendro mp3 Downloads
Unikkatil - Kungjat (remix) mp3 Downloads
UnikKatiL Kosova Mp3 Downloads
UniKKatiL - Tu kacafyt me jet mp3 Download
UniKKatiL - Malli i Shqiptarit.mp3 Download
UniKKatiL - Ju ha per sgjalli (diss princ) mp3 Downloads
Era Corrupted ft. UniKKatiL - Loja eshte e jona.mp3 Downloads
UniKKatiL ft. Milot - Get us mp3 Downloads
UniKKatiL - Dallash qergash (diss T3 and R.Rr).mp3
UniKKatiL ft. CyaNide - Eci neper Terr mp3
UniKKatiL ft. Milot - Change.mp3 Dowloads
UniKKatiL ft. Jeton - Mos shaj mas shpine (remix) mp3 Downloads
UniKKatiL - Qendro mp3 Downloads
Unikkatil - Kungjat (remix) mp3 Downloads
UnikKatiL Kosova Mp3 Downloads
03 July 2006
UnikKatiL Rrebel aKa UnikKatil
One of the most Popular hip Hop group In Kosovo is UNIKKATIL.
UnikKatiL is The Best Hip Hop Singer And Haz A Group Which Is Called The Real Alboz
UnikKatil News News Rebel a.k.a UniKKatil is currently talking to JRecords (http://www.jrecords.com/) and will be producing two songs for Kristin Hart who is a talented vocal entertainer who is on her way to a lengthy career. Rebel has been making songs from a very young age, and though underground his level of skill and professionalism is at the top level. Once people hear his music he is on his way to a great career being the next Albanian Star, on music entertainment all across the country. No matter where he goes he will always carry his Albanian Pride, "Red & Black". He has all the requirements for making it big, as u can tell from many of the songs that he has produced. They all sound like they were produced by some million dollar record label. TBA is taking ground and nothing can stop them, just like at radio Ateda Rebels songs made hits of the week, in the future watch Bloody Alboz compete in the top charts for the best rappers in the States. UnikKatil Info "All the rebel aka unikkatil information you need to know about is right here. Having said that we believe that we?ve searched the super highway far and wide to provide you with the best rebel aka unikkatil sites on the internet today. Check out the rebel aka unikkatil resources and the hundreds of articles available Free on our site." UnikKatiL
UnikKatiL is The Best Hip Hop Singer And Haz A Group Which Is Called The Real Alboz
UnikKatil News News Rebel a.k.a UniKKatil is currently talking to JRecords (http://www.jrecords.com/) and will be producing two songs for Kristin Hart who is a talented vocal entertainer who is on her way to a lengthy career. Rebel has been making songs from a very young age, and though underground his level of skill and professionalism is at the top level. Once people hear his music he is on his way to a great career being the next Albanian Star, on music entertainment all across the country. No matter where he goes he will always carry his Albanian Pride, "Red & Black". He has all the requirements for making it big, as u can tell from many of the songs that he has produced. They all sound like they were produced by some million dollar record label. TBA is taking ground and nothing can stop them, just like at radio Ateda Rebels songs made hits of the week, in the future watch Bloody Alboz compete in the top charts for the best rappers in the States. UnikKatil Info "All the rebel aka unikkatil information you need to know about is right here. Having said that we believe that we?ve searched the super highway far and wide to provide you with the best rebel aka unikkatil sites on the internet today. Check out the rebel aka unikkatil resources and the hundreds of articles available Free on our site." UnikKatiL